Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Vista de mi Visa

     To briefly introduce who I am for the context of my story: my name is Trent Hale, I am an International Business, Finance, GSCOM major with a Spanish minor, and I have the pleasure of studying abroad at IE University in Madrid for the Spring Semester of 2016.  Boring details out of the way, I would like to share my feelings for those who will also study abroad hoping that it may lend some insight.  Admittedly, while writing this first post, I am sitting in my house outside of Philadelphia and have little to offer of the experience of living abroad.  That being said, what I can offer is the story of my favorite Christmas gift: the first sight of my visa.  
     Like many other students planning to study abroad the second semester of their junior year, my first semester was nothing short of hectic.  Between searching for internships, juggling several difficult classes, and the various pre-departure duties there was little time to contemplate the gravity of studying across the world.  Different culture, different food, different sleep schedule -- not to mention the most challenging of them all -- a different language.  The excitement of this adventure hit me like a five year old finding out at Christmas he’s going to Disney world.  As I arrived home, I was the first to see the package from the embassy on my porch and without hesitation I opened it outside to see for myself.  I couldn’t help but to stand petrified in excitement, holding on to the moment as though I could keep it.  Though my small Christmas miracle came and went, the excitement has stayed and I eagerly await the adventures that lay ahead.

Hasta Luego!
